Monday 6 May 2013

Not Just A Teacher, But A Friend


Not Just A Teacher, But A Friend

© Darby
I had no where to turn, had no where to go.
this is just something I think you need to know
I don't know what made me trust you
I still remember the day when I told you what I've been through
I thought I should run away, go hide in a hole
but then you really brought out my true soul

As each day grew longer
our trust became stronger
each time I wanted to cry
you stayed there right by my side

even though sometimes you don't have time
you at least ask me if I am fine
even though sometimes I am not
I feel like I have just been shot
I smile and say yes I'm alright
then I walk away and your out of sight
I'll just have to wait
I still have my fate

I am so glad
that you were there when I was sad
and this is what makes you
Not just my 7th grade teacher, my friend

Source: Not Just A Teacher, But A Friend, Teacher Poem 

Share your memories with your teacher ,,,,,,who played role of best friend in your life, Waiting to hear your story,