Wednesday 6 June 2012

Save Nature.

World environment Day : 5 June.

This time I request  readers of this blog to write on this topic...share your views as  comment ,slogan  poster....etc. you can write on save water,global warming,save tree,etc.  

·         One tree can make a million matches. One match can destroy a million trees   

 A drop of water is worth more than a sack of gold to a thirsty man

Save water, it will save you later! 

 Less pollution is the best solution 
Modern technology owes ecology an apology

Lets go green to get our globe clean

Put a stop to the drop

Protect our earth today for our children’s tomorrow

Earth Day everyday

Save water, secure the future


  1. We never know the worth of water till the well is dry....

  2. Don’t destroy the greenery and don’t spoil the scenery. Save earth.

  3. • Save Water…..It’s not just a drop in the bucket
    • It’s only good until the last drop, than What?
    • Stop making a splash. Conserve water
    • Saving water one drop at a time
    • Think outside the sink!
    • Nurture Nature
    • It’s our world, take care of it
    • May the Forest be with you
    • Dare to be a force of Nature
    • Water covers two-thirds of the surface of the Earth, but Fresh water is 0.002% on Earth

  4. पानी तो अनमोल है
    उसको बचा के रखिये
    बर्बाद मत कीजिये इसे
    जीने का सलीका सीखिए

    पानी को तरसते हैं
    धरती पे काफी लोग यहाँ
    पानी ही तो दौलत है
    पानी सा धन भला कहां

    पानी की है मात्रा सीमित
    पीने का पानी और सीमित
    तो पानी को बचाइए
    इसी में है समृधी निहित

    शेविंग या कार की धुलाई
    या जब करते हो स्नान
    पानी की जरूर बचत करें
    पानी से है धरती महान


    GOD gave us birth,
    To clean the earth.
    But we made more dirt,
    And lost earth’s worth.
    Bike’s gear,
    Increases pollution of air.
    Don’t waste water,
    Little at least keep for future.
    Vehicle’s noise,
    Creates pollution of noise.
    Greater volume of size,
    Will make the sun to not rise.
    Do not cut trees,
    Air will not freeze.
    Do not create pollution,
    Do not increase population.
    To GOD I said,
    “Why dirty the earth you made?
    Due to which today man is sad!
    And the whole world is bad!”
    GOD said me “Remember to clean earth
    I gave you birth.
    But you made more dirt,
    And lost earth’s worth.
    Oh great man!
    Still you can!
    Go and clean,
    Then only you will win!” BY: Unknown

  6. That land is a community is the basic concept of ecology, but that land is to be loved and respected is an extension of ethics.

  7. ma'am here i would like to share the last wish of my life...
    as it is somewhat for nature so, i need your permission ma'am...

    1. If your wish is not harmful to any one..then go for it. No need to take permission for Me, I trust my students.

  8. I think a bit by everyone will be sufficient.
    Just manner ourselves will do the needful.
    Walk a little , don't through garbage on roads, garden , use less paper etc.
