Thursday 5 July 2012

Gurupurnima: Teachers Who Inspire :1

A story about a wise teacher, student, and a glass of salt water

There was a wise teacher who had many students. One day a student came to him. He saw there is no smile in his student's face. He ask the student " why don't you smile as usual?" . The student answer " I have so many problems in my life. i don't know why there always new problem everytime and it's make me hard to smile." The teacher smiled and then said " Take a glass of water and two spoons full of salt." The student toke what his teacher want and back to the teacher after some minutes. "Pour one spoon of salt in the water and then drink it" Eventhoug the student a little bit confuse, he drink the water. " Tell me the taste of that water! " the teacher said. Then the student answered " It's sour, very sour." The tacher said, "let's go to the lake." The student followed his teacher to the lake near them. "Pour a spoon of salt into the lake, and drink the water of that lake." The student did his teacher suggestion.
" How is the taste of the water? " The teacher asked. "it's fresh, very fresh and cool, as the water of that lake comes from fresh and clean rain. " The teacher said, "did you feel the salts taste?". "No." the student answered. Then, the teacher smiled again and said '"That's just the same with what you have to do in your life. Actually, God gives all of us the problem, no exception. The problems which is got by all of the human in the world have been fixed with their capability, so actually there is no too complicated problem, so that someone can't solve that problem. What you have to do of all of your problems is just make your heart and your soul become as wide as the lake. So, eventhough there are many problem, you won't feel it as very complicated one, as you didn't feel the taste of salt that you have put into that lake."
Then, the student smiled..

1 comment:

  1. very very inspiring story and gives much much pleasure by implementation...:)
