Saturday 17 November 2012

Appreciate your MOM

Your mom carried u in her womb
for 9 months.

She felt sick 4 months with nausea,

She watched her feet swell & her skin stretch & tear,

She struggled 2 climb stairs, she got breathless quick,

She suffered many sleepless nights,

She then went through excruciating pain 2 bring u into this world.

Then, she became ur nurse, ur chef, ur maid, ur chauffeur, ur biggest fan, ur teacher, & ur best friend.

She's struggled 4 u, cried over u, hoped d best 4 u, & prayed 4 u.

Most of us take our mom 4 granted.
But there are people who
have lost or never even seen theirs...

Appreciate her...       

If u r reading this,its my request to say ur mom how special she is for u.....

(This nice post by: blog reader :) )