Thursday 26 November 2020

Angel Guidance

                                                                              (Curtesy :Original Source)

 "The past is the past. What is done is done. You can’t change that. However, you can have a brand new start right now and write a brand new ending to your story. Is where you're at the turning point? I certainly hope that you create a life you’re proud of. You can continue to grow and change. All wrongs can be made right.  When this burden is lifted from your heart, you will be able to tell a new story of the future."

let go of the past and trust in the moment. The twists and turns of life may have put you in situations you wished you weren’t in. You have done the best you could. Today is an opportunity to be at peace with what has been.

Action Steps:

Write a note to yourself 10 years ago. Tell that version of yourself the things you are proud of them for. As you do this, gently let go of any lingering attachments you have to that time. Open your heart to the future.

Affirmation Of The Day:

"I can write a new ending, my past memories will be my mending."

                                                                                                                   -Angel Oasis team

1 comment:

  1. Our life must be a story for next generation. We should do something which is worth telling to someone who need inspiration. We are not bound to show off and win appreciation from people. I have experienced side effects of appreciation, people around you are damn smart to get their work done by you silently just with little appreciation.

    Be smart to use your talent and make something big on your own. Do not expect appreciation for your stupidity, Do something which deserve genuine appreciation.

    Do what you Love, Do what you like.
    People are judgemental and they do their work perfectly. Do not change as per someone's judgement be your own Hero and live happily.

    Thank you ma'am
    Your post's makes me think and share my thoughts.
