Thursday 20 May 2021

Angel Guidance


“Your emotions are fleetings. Good times come, bad times don’t last. Feelings can change moment by moment. One thing that never waivers though is my love, guidance and support. I am permanently by your side. You can count on this always. Do not let your temporary emotions cloud your judgement.

Action Steps:

Feel the emotions arise within you today and just as quickly be released. 

For emotions are simply energy in motion. The sensations do not need to linger 

or get stuck in your energy field. Keep your feelings flowing.

Affirmation Of The Day:

“I let my feelings flow with ease, they come and go like a breeze in the trees.”

Love & Blessings

                                                                                                                   -Angel Oasis team

1 comment:

  1. Feelings are like a strings of a violin 🎻 too sensitive and delegate but most important to compose music.

    If we know how to play with then, we can enjoy melody of life.

    Points which could be discussed on this topic are endless
    1. How to get own control over feelings?
    2. Who should and shouldn't play with our feelings?
    3. Why we need to learn a game of feelings.
    4. What if we don't learn feelings.

