Wednesday 23 May 2012

Nisha sharma dowry case: another side of coin

The Gautam Budh Nagar district court on Wednesday acquitted Munish Dalal and his family members in the 2003 Nisha Sharma dowry case.
Nis to marry Munish alleging that his family members had made a dowry demand the previous night.
The court of Chief Judicial Magistrate Vipin Rai, while dismissing the charges against the four accused, observed that Nisha’s decision to call off her wedding was pre-planned.
In May 2003, Munish, his mother Vidya Dalal and aunt Savitri Sharma were booked in a police case after Nisha alleged that the family demanded Rs 12 lakh as dowry. The court in its order said there was “insufficient evidence to prove that the demand... had been made by the Dalal family a night before the wedding”.
The court also acquitted Nisha’s classmate Navneet Rai, who was also booked on the charge of giving false documents against Nisha.
The court ruled that Nisha was close to Navneet Rai and had wished to marry him instead of Munish. Nisha’s family had also approached Navneet for the marriage but when the proposal did not work, her marriage was fixed with Munish. Nisha who was not happy with her marriage then levelled false allegations of dowry demand.
  (This case is submitted by blog reader..Mahesh)


  1. Thanks mahesh for sharing this case with us.This case is good example of how anti dowry act misuse, it is the right time to reconsider this act so that it can't misused.

    1. Mention not Ma,am its my pleasure...yo welcome...:)

      now mam can it be called exactly the case of dowry...?

      Dowry is the problem...? or the solution for dowry is the problem...?

  2. DOWRY when the name comes every one start hating the person. But the bad part is that nobody try to stop it. Because it was a "pratha " but have today became greed. In this case we don't know the truth but it is a weapon which can be use by both.
    The worst part is that Educated people are more who demand dowry than uneducated.
    Can we change ourselves is and society is the question...!!

    1. first we have to change because society is indeed made up by us...

      so when we change our society will arithmetically changed by it self....:)
