Wednesday 23 May 2012

What will be the Effects of Fuel Price hike??


 Aamdani athani kharcha rupaiya. -Petrol price raised by Rs 7.50 per liter

Petrol price hiked again, another big blow to the common man in the already inflated economy

This will Lead to rise in prices in almost all sectors major sectors affected will be Transport, Auto, FMCG, Textiles. Fuel price increase is  a chain reaction. First the transportation cost will go up, this will have its effect on essential commodities which are transported on daily basis. Fuel price increase has its direct effect on moment of goods and services which is the back born of the economy. Hence effecting pricing of all products. This in turn will affect the economy.
Current hike of fuel prices may effect on common man directly and indirectly. What are the reasons for price hike??  Where our India- economy is headed??  What's your opinion- our government is fail to handle public issues??


  1. Good evening ma'am
    Good point mam...
    Must be consider...
    Ma'am there are many effects of this hike.
    The main victims of this hike is middle class peoples...
    We must demand reason from the government
    Why this step government have taken...?
    The full detailed report on the reason for this hike must be spread all over India in each and every corner...
    Then after reasons must be focused well and this inflation can be prevented slowly and gradually...

    This hike is like a wound, so we must find treatment instead of crying and shouting...

  2. Yes mahesh you are right.normally petrol is considered as black gold,and just because of this frequent hike in price it becomes dream for middle class family to afford four wheeler or two wheeler.just like to buy 1ogm gold. :)
    Now just think about this.....devaluation of rupee create this this one of the reason for current price hike?

  3. yes mam may be...
    but if we take all other things in comparison, then price of every commodity should be increased so mam this could be a reason but not that much important...
    contribution of it is tiny...

  4. yes. There are two main reasons - the cost of crude oil and the cost of refined petrol and diesel on the world market.

    Crude oil makes up a significant portion of the cost of fuel. Crude oil is traded in US$ as a commodity on the international market. The market is influenced by a number of factors including global demand, supply, political events and manufacturing capability.

    Refineries purchase crude oil on the international market to make it into petrol and diesel. Refined product is also traded on the international market and has its own pricing.

    1. As far as devaluation of money is considered it also play important role for price hike.You may be aware about OPEC countries.India import oil from this countries.The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) was founded in Baghdad, Iraq, with the signing of an agreement in September 1960 by five countries namely Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela. They were to become the Founder Members of the Organization.
      These countries were later joined by Qatar (1961), Indonesia (1962), Libya (1962), the United Arab Emirates (1967), Algeria (1969), Nigeria (1971), Ecuador (1973), Gabon (1975) and Angola (2007).
      Currently, the Organization has a total of 12 Member Countries.
      When a currency loses its value it creates many problems for the economy. It leads to high inflation, as India imports around 70 per cent of its crude oil requirement and the government will have to pay more for it in rupee terms. Due to the control on oil prices, the government may not easily pass the increased prices to the consumers. Further, this higher import bill will lead to rise in fiscal deficit for the government and will push the inflation, which is already hovering around the double-digit mark.
      On the other hand, India Inc will also have to pay more in rupee terms for procuring their raw materials, despite drop in global commodity prices, only because of a depreciating rupee against dollar. Already, oil companies cited the fall in the rupee value to the dollar to increase petrol prices recently.

  5. Thank you mam...
    this was out off my knowledge...
    now i think we need to for in gulf country to earn for our country...
    ha ha ha...
    so we can pay in that form of currancy

  6. Mam is there any tip to increase the value of our currancy in the ground of globle economy...

  7. Aam Aadmi - I have heard many times about this aam aadmi and i had never seen him. Is he the person who are having bikes, Who takes a car on Loan to fulfill his dreams, Who has all the luxuries items like LCD, Washing machine, Music System, Latest Mobile set,AC.

    1) Why dont People stop buying Cars.
    2) why people want to buy cars on taking loan, if they dont have the capacity of dealing with petrol hike.
    3) All Aam admis are aware that petrol prices are going up, but then also sale of cars are on upper trend only.
    4) why aam admi feels uncomfortable in travelling in busses and trains
    5) why aam aadmi books its railway tickets through Agents rather than stations.
    6) All are earning a handsome amount. an those you are not earning they are not taking these stupid steps of purchasing.

    After 5 days all will forget this hike and again start thinking of luxuries cars, bikes, mobile etc... Yeh hi log aam aadmi hote hai.

  8. You are right sunil...
    just in few days this hike will be rutine for all...
    take it in you mind aam aadmi aam thinking, so no need to expect any change in them...

    1. Never underestimate the power of aam aadmi mahesh...just because of them jan lokpal bill become possible. hamari takat hamare ek hone m h...but problem of our country is ...sab ko sirf apane se matlab h,jab tak woh aag khud k ghar ko na jalaye kisi ko parva nahi. we are not an ordinary people, we have the right to elect our leaders...but how many of us do this duty honestly?? actually we all are responsible for this situation.

    2. agree with you ma'am...
      nice feed...
      yes ma'am we are only who are responsible for all this situations, and we are only the victim of its result...
